Monday, April 1, 2019

NaPoWriMo 2019 Day 1

Here we go again another April. Another 30 poems in 30 days. Per napowrimo, today's prompt is to write a poem about how to do something or how not to do something.

How Not To Fall in Love:

Listen sweet sister, love only brings heartache and pain
So if its all the same to you, do not fall in love.

Avoid would be advances,
by avoiding fleeting glances.

Always have a book at your side
And then you may not be a bride.

Build up a tall wall around your heart
So no loving feelings may start.

Don't let anyone close; Don't let anyone in.
To do so would be a mortal sin.

If he gets close, if he breaches the wall
I implore you: under his spell do not fall!

I see from the look on your face,
The sparkle in your eye,
My warning is too late.

Ah sweet sister, if only you had avoided that fate.
But instead you love someone who has the ability to give you heart break.


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