April 11th
A poem that addresses the future. See the link above for more specifics on the prompt.
Blooming Takes Time
The future used to be certain
A wife
A mother
A successful career
But now the future is uncertain
I guess that is true for everyone.
I am afraid.
Uncertainty scares me.
And so does change.
The fortune from the Chinese restaurant reads:
"There are many paths to the top of the mountain, but only one view."
What does that even mean?
All roads lead to the same place?
There are many paths to success but the results are all the same.
But which path do I take?
Which one is not obscured?
Should I double back
And start again?
Even though that will mean
Lost resources
Respect in the eyes of my loved ones.
Or should I forge ahead
On this same path that I chose
Many years ago.
For the past three I've struggled
Made no headway at all
I've come to a dead end
And I'm not sure if its even passible
To forge ahead.
I feel that I should double back
Start anew
I've got so much to prove.
I'm not dead on the vine.
Failure to thrive.
Failure to launch.
I'm doing just fine.
I bloom where I'm planted
But sometimes
Blooming takes time.
Life is what happens to you whilst you busy making other plans,