Monday, April 4, 2016

Napowrimo Day3

I'm already behind . . . oh well! Two poems today to catch up!

First is yesterday's which was to write a fan letter poem - which I didn't really do. Instead I've written a poem about Marie Antoinette, but not really a fan letter, I'm not sure what I would classify it as, but here it is:

Marie Antoinette
Born in Austria
Youngest of fifteen
Trained from a young age to be queen
Married King Louis XVI
And there her misfortunes began
He did not even make the wedding
They were married by proxy you see.
They lived a life quite lavish.
Things went downhill fast.
For King Louis,
No good was he
At ruling his country.
The people they did revolt.
The streets of Paris ran red with the blood
 Of the ruling class and the nobility
First went the king
Then dear Marie
Was falsely accused
And her head was demanded too.
I have always had some odd attraction
To Mademoiselle Marie.
Misfortune befell her
Though she never did anything wrong.
When people get mad
They act like cads
And go beheading innocent people.
Of Dear Miss Marie,

I’m quite fond you see, though inexplicably.

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