Thursday, April 28, 2016

Napowrimo 2016 Day 27

The prompt for day 27 was to write a poem with long lines . . .

Arbitrations consisting of compromises are often necessary in this life
If we choose happiness, we can enjoy our time on the planet rather than live with strife
Compared to the life of the earth, each of our lives is rather ephemeral
However, though we are only here for a small fraction of time, our actions ripple through the ages
The consequences of our actions may be minimal during our lifetimes but dire for the earth
And so we must arbitrate and compromise with the earth
Undo what we have done and show her what she is worth.

I suppose this could've worked for the Earth Day prompt as well. Most of my lines are long, I think.

Has April been a long line month? I'm not so sure,

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