Wednesday, March 29, 2017

April Optimism

For the past two or three years, I've been participating in NaPoWriMo and with April 1st peeking around the corner, I am excited to say that I will again be making an attempt at 30 poems in 30 days. I will be busy, as I often am in April. But I encourage you to write along with me and keep me accountable. If you've never heard of NaPoWriMo, I encourage you to check out this website, where I will be getting my prompts.

Also, because I am so excited about NaPoWriMo, I've decided to write a poem today! This won't count for my 30 poems in April because it isn't April (yet). Because I currently cannot come up with subject matter for a poem, I have used Robert Peake's prompt generator which you can find here.

My prompt was to incorporate as many of the following words as possible:

incense, distracted, signature, surprised, children's, argues, sticking, amused, pallid, poet's, bolts, repeating, simplest, il, shack.

I also had to:
include an unusual taste and refer to a famous poet.

It also includes an image for inspiration (which I did not use).

Here is my poem:

The smell of my chai tea, like incense, flooded my nose.
Distractedly, I signed the receipt.
I was surprised when the barista commented that I had a pretty signature;
Perhaps not many children took to their cursive lessons as I had.
My feet argued with the ground as I stepped,
A piece of gum sticking to my shoe, refusing to allow me to move.
The patrons of the coffee shop seemed amused
As I fought to remove the fum from the sole of my shoe.
I imagined the poet's pallid face among the crowd,
The cadence and repetition of The Raven came to mind,
My steps taking its rhythm for their own
As they carried me back to my cove.
Sometimes even the simplest things are difficult for me.

Poe has been on my mind quite a bit and I am going to do some research and use some of Poe's works for the inspiration for a project I have in mind.

See you soon for more poetry!

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