This was quite a tricky prompt! Use RhymeZone to come up with a list of rhymes and near rhymes. And write a poem using them. So yeah not my best work - but perhaps it'll give you a laugh.
The meadow was aglow with fluorescent fungi
The moon was a waning crescent
The fairy made her ascent
And perched atop a mushroom cap
She sat where you could hear the oxbow
She did not dawdle and played her banjo
Her wings shone iridescent
As the moon made its descent
And the banjo notes cascaded in harmony
She did not throttle the instrument
But instead let out an epiglottal sound
And began to sing
Her voice tinkling like bells all around.
I listened quietly and tucked the bottle
I had planned to capture her in away
And tapped my toe and hummed and began to sway
In that moonlit meadow on a night in May.
Lol quite funny!
ReplyDeleteIt was a tricky prompt! Are you participating in NaPoWriMo? If so, I'd love to check out your work!