Today's prompt is to take one of several impossible phrases and write a poem in which the impossible occurs. Since I chose a funny topic; I thought I would use a limerick(ish). Here's a fun one to start of your Sunday:
There once was a farmer who farmed all his life
But never would he agree to help his wife
When it came to raising their son
He was quite the unhelpful one
In their marriage it caused much strife
He wouldn't give another thought to cleaning the chicken coop
He didn't even mind cleaning the pig sty's goop
But when it came to a diaper
He wouldn't even be a wiper
So his wife was forced to clean all diapers - both pee and poop
One day their son was a little sick
The farmer didn't care a lick
His wife worked all night
In the morning she started a fight
Hoping that would do the trick
"I've had it with you!" She yelled
"His diarrhea diapers quite smelled."
But the farmer refused to aquiesce
To his dear wife's request
So her frustration went unquelled.
She followed him out to the sty
Whereupon she started to cry
"Just help me out"
"Just change one diaper!" She did shout.
His reply: "I'll change a diaper when pigs fly!"
Oh that really got her goat
And the farmer went to town to gloat
But his wife she did stew
For she didn't know what to do
So she went to talk to the women at the moat.
To the other women she talked
And around her even more flocked
Those other women began to stew
Later told their husbands "I've got a beef with you!"
At her tale those women gawked.
With the anger of a hundred women, she headed home
And grew angrier still upon seeing the dome
On the silo's top
Nothing could make her anger stop
As she watched her husband work in the loam.
When he finally came back inside
Her anger was still quite unsatisfied
"Since only flying pigs will win your help"
"I'll see that they do!" She did yelp.
The farmer rolled his eyes knowing his wife lied.
Then out their window; right before their eyes
A tornado appeared in the skies
It dropped to the ground
Where it spun round and round
And lifted all the pigs out of their sties.
The farmer's jaw dropped to the floor for he knew
What his wife would soon make him do.
She held out their baby, winking
And his diaper was stinking
That day, pigs flew! Yes it's true!
Neighbors came from near and far
As the farmer wished he were at a bar
The women let out a cheer:
"He got what he deserved, dear!"
As he cleaned that poopy diaper.
And you know the rest
The wife satisfied with her quest
Sat down in a chair
While the farmer searched out fresh air
He always remained at her behest.
Never again would a diaper she change
Because for all his trying he couldn't rearrange
So whether they be poop or pee
Diapers were now the farmer's responsibility
She even brought baby to him out on the range!
Now you've heard my tale
I hope you've listened quite well
Learn from the farmer's mistake
Do not wish for swine to uptake
Or else the clouds will form a powerful cell!
Hehe, I had fun with that one