Sunday, April 12, 2015

NaPoWriMo Day 12

Today's prompt was an interesting one. Read it here. This poem didn't really turn out how I expected, it started in one place with a certain intention and morphed along the way. Here is my response to today's prompt.

His mother thought his eyes were "caca" brown;
I thought they were creamy like chocolate
I liked his curly, brown hair short,
Just long enough that it curled out under his hat
I liked the cowboy hats better, but nowadays he tends to wear baseball caps.
The way he smiled when he was really happy
The mischievous look in his eyes when he tried to pretend he was innocent
How he acted like a little kid when he got excited.

But when he got mad, his mouth was a straight line
His eyes were dark and cloudy
Punched his steering wheel - cut his hand open
Never aggressive toward people,
Took his anger out on inanimate things
But I knew he was someone you wouldn't want to corner.

But when he was sad, that was the worst
Hearing him cry
Trying to choke back the tears
It sounded so awful
Knowing he was so broken inside
I looked into his eyes
Saw all the way down to his broken soul
I wished I could reach in
Put the pieces back together
But I couldn't, that is something he must do himself.

And just when he was getting better
When things were starting to be okay
I began to realize
I was no longer in love with him
I still cared deeply
But not in the same way
And I will never forget the look in his eyes that day


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