Monday, April 27, 2015

NaPoWriMo: Day 26

Day 26
Prompt: Persona Poem


Could you imagine if your life depended on a shoe?
My sisters are crazy
They let my mother cut off their toes and heel
To fit into my tiny shoe
Yes, it never ceases to amaze me
Yes, yes, it is true.
But after that the prince tried me
Much to the horror of my step-mother
It never occurred to her
That technically I am her daughter too
My sisters aren't so bad
Though everyone here thinks they're terrible
They are just spoiled
And a little weak-minded
Really, they are just the puppets
Of a cruel puppet master
She will twist them any which way
To bend the outcome of events to her will
So I guess its best that she never considered me her child
Even though all my life I tried to gain her affection
Maybe the problem was that I was too smart
And refused to be manipulated
I wonder what she will do now
That the prince and I are getting married
Will she pretend to be the loving mother
That she's never been to any of us three
There's a reason that her first husband left her
And my father died because he couldn't bear her
She is quite overbearing
Trying to be puppet-master over all those she claims to care about.
What's that?
For the wedding?
Oh yes, this dress will do.


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